1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian The Colours of Grace - Week 1 | Page 3
Ephesians 2 v 1 – 10
Pastor Peter set a great foundation on which we can build our devotional series by
preaching on the Description of Grace.
He did this under two headings:
# ONE: What Grace IS
According to the passage above, grace is unmerited favour. This means that there is
nothing you can do to earn it; it is a gift from God that simply needs to be received.
This unmerited favour of God comes from a God who has always been
“GRACEFUL” (full of Grace). Even back in the Old Testament times where many
people battle to find the Grace of God, we see God in the Garden of Eden pursuing
Adam and Eve after they had eaten the forbidden fruit. God showed His grace
towards them when He cried, “Adam, where are you?!” Despite Adam and Eve’s
gross failure, God’s love and resultant grace were more than apparent. God has
forever been full of grace, even when He gave the Law to Moses. The foundation of
the law was founded in the love of God and was given in order to protect the people
that God loved. Everything that God has done, even when He has had to act justly,
has always been done under the covering of grace.
# TWO: What Grace DOES
Grace in its purest form shows us the very heart of God. If one were able to journey
into the centre of who God is, one would find that grace is the central theme of who
He is and all that He does.
Grace also, in relation to the sin of man, moves my sin through faith to the cross of
Christ. This is a phenomenal thought and points us to the fact that when God sees
us, He does not see our sin anymore because Jesus has taken our sin upon
Himself. Not only, however, are we saved by grace, but we also get to live by it as
well. As our theme picture infers (the prism) we note that there is a grace for every
trial of life. In my experience, as a pastor in our church, I never cease to be amazed
when I see the grace of God being poured out on people when they are going
through tough times. I see people who suffer terrible bereavement and I wonder at
the special grace of God that is given to them at that particular time. I see others
who have suffered and are able to be sustained by the power of “special grace”.
Another beautiful application of grace that we will be speaking about in this series, is
the fact that the application of grace in my life is to help me to look more like Jesus.
Grace, therefore, is given not just so that we can have a salvation experience, but that
we can undergo a sanctifying process as well.
Today’s devotion has covered a broad view of the description of Grace. We will over
the course of the next number of weeks be picking up on different aspects of this
grace. I do believe that John Newton, the song writer, knew exactly what he was