1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian The Colours of Grace - Week 1 | Page 2

Hi everyone Welcome to our latest devotional series. We have entitled this series THE COLOURS OF GRACE. We have based this series upon 1 Peter 4 v 10 which speaks of God’s grace taking on ‘various forms’: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in various forms.” We are looking at these ‘various forms’ in the context of a prism and the lights that are formed when a white light is shone into it. This spectrum of light is particularly diverse and the picture we are wanting to create for you is simply: that there is a grace for every occasion. We are hoping that through this series we will cover a broad spectrum of both the implications and applications of the wonder of God’s amazing grace. I hope that this touches your heart in a meaningful way. God bless you all, From your pastors