1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian PEACE pt2 | Page 9
carries onto say that we must think about things that are“pure” and “lovely” and “admirable”;
in order to do this we may need to make better choices in what we watch on TV and what we
read. He recommends that we think about those things that are “positive” and fall into the
category of“excellent”and“praiseworthy”. He concludes in verse 9 by telling us that this can
be hard work, as we discipline our minds(to what he would term “practice”),he then says
people like this will experience the peace of God.
Ponder these thoughts if you will.
Prayer Thought: Our minds are incredibly powerful things. Won’t you ask God to help you do
some spiritual housekeeping today. Do as Paul says and develop a practice of improving the
quality of the stored reality that is in your subconscious mind, remember too to use the filters
that Paul has spoken of in Philippians 4, so that our minds can truly function as God intended
they should. Commit all these aspects to God in prayer and let’s begin todayto work on this
2 Timothy 2 v 1 – 7
The last point that I would suggest,where we can lose our peace is found at the point of POOR
There are two corrupted theologies that are influential in our churches today. The first one is
what can be termed “death-bed” theology, which simply means, “Become a Christian so that
when you die you can go to Heaven”. For people who buy into this theology, they find no
purpose for being on earth and are just waiting to die. They fail to realise that you are saved
for a purpose; that purpose being determined by God Himself. It is this theology that has kept
many people warming the pews of the churches, thinking that that is all there is to their
Christian experience.
The second corrupted theology is what we call “feel-good” theology. This theology is terribly
dangerous and can lead to much disillusionment and disappointment in our Christian
experience. For those who buy into “feel-good” theology, they hold God ransom by telling Him
that He had better make sure that nothing goes wrong in their lives. They believe they have
the right to have God answer all their prayers the way they want Him to. They believe too that
God should be concerned with keeping them comfortable.
If we’re looking for an example of someone who flew in the face of these two theologies, we
need look no further than the apostle Paul. Paul believed that while he was here on earth, he
had a purpose for which to live. He believed too that this life, down here on earth, counted for