1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian JOY | Page 9
The name that Joseph used for his next son was Ephraim. The meaning of this name is “God
has made me fruitful in my suffering”. How appropriate this name is in light of our present
devotional series, speaking about the Fruit of the Spirit.
I think it important to note which name came first. Manasseh came before Ephraim suggesting
to us that forgetfulness comes before fruitfulness. In order for us to be fruitful in our lives,
could it be that there are some things that we need to forget? The past has an amazing way of
affecting the present and we would do well at this point to hear the words of the apostle Paul
in Philippians 3 v 13 where he says, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is
ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in
Christ Jesus”. Paul, too, knew the pain of mistreatment and misunderstanding of other people,
but he knew how to let go and learn the art of forgetfulness. Let’s take a page out of his book
and do the same thing.
Prayer Thought: Won’t youthank God for His forgetfulness on our behalf remembering the
extent of the pain that we have caused Him, but because of His graciousness and
immeasurable love He has taken our sin and has put it as far as the east is from the west. Ask
Him today to help you to understand the extent of His forgiveness for you and then pray that
you too would be strengthened to forgive and forget as you too have been forgiven and your
sin forgotten.
1 Chronicles 4 v 9 – 10
The next characteristic of someone displaying the Fruit of Joy is that these people are
As you read the story of Joseph, you cannot help but notice that no matter how good his
circumstances were, or how bad they were,Joseph showed the same measure of
contentment. I believe it true to say that God has put around us a circumference of influence.
At certain stages in our lives, the circumference is bigger than others, but in today’s world we
see such an emphasis on growing the circumference of your life, being bigger people, being
more successful and exerting our influence at a higher level. Joseph was never too concerned
about growing his circumference of influence. He showed the incredible quality of humility
whereby he believed that God would establish his circumference of influence and he would be
totally content to live within that circumference.
The prayer of Jabez, as per our Bible reading today, is a beautiful prayer. At one point in the
prayer Jabez cries, “Bless me oh Lord and enlarge my territory.” This cry would almost sound
like a contradiction to what we have just said about Joseph; but it is absolutely not. You will