1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Hezekiah Prayer | Page 12

man who desired after God to such an extent that he put away all the idols of the time in order to worship God alone. I think it is, therefore, logical to assume that it is these characteristics of this king that got God’s attention, to the extent of so great an answer to prayer. I therefore, today urge you not to pray a Hezekiah kind of prayer, or be so opinionated that God should answer your prayer as He did Hezekiah’s if your life does not reflect the same values and priorities of Hezekiah the king. I have spoken to many people in the recent past, who have been disappointed with God’s response to their prayers, and I would hate to be considered judgemental, but upon questioning these people about their lives I realise why God is not answering their prayers. Many of them have idols which exist in their lives, i.e. things that they love more than God. Many are living lukewarm Christian experiences where they will live their Christian lives conveniently and in such a way that does not affect them too much. I urge all of you who attend our church and are reading this to re-evaluate your Christian life in the light of Hezekiah’s, and if there are changes that need to be made that you will be courageous enough to make them. I save the last word for us as a church. We began this series on prayer as a declaration of our absolute dependence upon God to do what only God can do. I don’t know about you, but my Holy discontent for a man-made form of religion and powerless Christianity is getting to me. I believe that God is feeding this discontent and that He is excited about what we have been speaking about, and I believe that He so wants more than anything to answer our prayers. He therefore, waits for us to adopt a more sacrificial and loving disposition toward Him, His word, and His body (the church). I do not present this to you as a winning formula, but I do know this, that it is THE RIGHT THING TO DO. SEE YOU IN CHURCH.