1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Gifts of the Spirit, The final say | Page 12

This would be a great way for us to end our devotion today by looking at the sacrifices that we make for Christ and see which category they fall into: better, best or beautiful. When we use our spiritual gifts to the full it will always require a sacrifice; maybe of your time, talents, or treasures. I hope that you will be motivated by this woman’s incredible act. Prayer Thought: Won’t you prayerfully come to God today and talk to Him about the better, best, and beautiful and share your thoughts with Him about what it means to use your gifts to the full. Amen Sunday Psalm 98 You will have noticed that over the past six days the emphasis of this week’s devotional has been on you taking responsibility for your own gifts. I have heard many people argue that it is the church’s fault that they are not utilizing their gifts, but at the end of the day when we stand be