1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Daniels prayer | Page 8
Daniel’s philosophy, however, was the opposite. Daniel kept asking himself, “What
more can I do to glorify God? How much more can I pray? How much more
intensely can I obey the commands of God?” This presents to us such an
interesting challenge.
I guess the answer to these questions is found in answering another question: How
much do you love God? When we love Him with our whole heart, as Daniel did,
no sacrifice will be big enough to make for the Lord.
A great New Testament example of this would be seen in the life of the apostle
Paul, who, at the end of his life, whilst lying in a prison waiting to die, declared of
himself that he was “all poured out” for the cause of the Kingdom of God. There
was not a drop left in the bucket of his life that he had not expended as a result of
his love for God.
How tragic would it be if we were to 7F?B&Vf?&Rv?B??RF?v?F???b?gV???'V6?WB?B??F??Vv?????rF?BF?W&Rv???&Rw&VB&V???6??r???VfV???v??FW ??bF?W&Rv??( ?B&R&Vw&WB?"Gv?2vV??( 2F?BvRF?B??Bv?fR?b?W'6V?fW2??&RF??v?B2F?R?fR?bF??V?7VvvW7G2?RF?B?&?W"F??Vv?C????rF?R?fR?bF??V?F?F?F???7?&R??RF?w&VFW"?V?v?G2???W"&?W"?fR?B&V6?v??6RF?BF?R6?R?vW"6?W&6RF?BGvV??VBv?F?????GvV??2v?F?????RF???6???B??W'6V?bF?&Wf????&?gW6R&?W"?B6VR?`?v?B??6???r?2??BG'VR?F?W'6F??vV?W6?23 ??VFvW2`?F?RF??&B6?&7FW&?7F?2?bF??V?( ?2&?W"?fR?2F?@?F??V?&?VBDU5U$DTŒ?