1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Daniels prayer | Page 7
hasbeen doing this routinely for the last 50 years and even now, facing the
challenges that he is, he still keeps doing it. He just knows that this is the pattern
of life which has blessed him and made him the person that he is.
This pattern of prayer is powerful and is one which we should all pay serious
attention to. I encourage you to take time everyday, preferably the same time
every day and preferably in the same place, to meet with God, not just to talk to
Him, but to hear from Him as well.
Prayer Thought: Maybe today you need toresolve to a time like this. I know that in
the hurly-burly of life to find this time is not always easy, but according to our
theme I am becoming more and more convinced that our daily activities should fit
into our prayer life, and not the other way round. I trust that you will plan your
prayer life accordingly.
2 Timothy 4 v 6 – 8
The second characteristic of Daniel’s prayer life is that
Daniel prayed PROFUSELY.
We read in the story that Daniel prayed three times a day. That’s incredible! I
battle to pray like this once a day! But Daniel, despite his incredibly hectic
political schedule, took time on a regular basis to pray three times a day. I do not
wish to sound judgemental, but there is something that I have noticed amongst
many Christians today, and that is that they are asking the question of themselves,
“What is the least that I can do and still remain connected to God?” They ask,
“What is the least that I need to pray and still consider myself a pray-er? What is
the least that I could give and still consider myself to be generous? What is the
least that I need to do for others and still consider myself a servant?” The basis of
their Christian life is how little can they do without getting a guilty conscience
and still be able to keep their relationship with God intact.