1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Community- The Context For Change | Page 8
- We?re meant to be a city on a hill – a city that is gospel speaking. What
intimidates you about having spiritual conversations with people? What
motivates us to tell people about Jesus?
Following the previous day?s devotions today will simply be based on
reflection of your own life, your church and your community.
Answer the challenge points below, referring to what we have spoken of
previously during the week.
Read Acts 2 v 42 – 47 which describes the early church, and then work
through the questions below:
- What can we discover about how the early church learned together? What
can we discover about fellowship and service? What can we learn from
- The early church were so involved with each other that they had
fellowship “every day”. Do you have fellowship with another Christian
every day? Is this possible? Why or why not?
- What can we discover about how the early church worshipped and how
they witnessed to others? What can we learn from this?
- British theologian Lesslie Newbigin observes:
“The gospel does not become public truth for a society by being
propagated as a theory or as a worldview and certainly not as a
religion. It can become public truth only insofar as it is embodied in a
society (the church) which is both „abiding in? Christ and engaged in
the life of the world.”
Do you agree with his assessment? Why or why not?
2 Peter 3
1 Peter 4 v 17
John 3 v 16 – 17