1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Community- The Context For Change | Page 7
• The other person is “in the driver?s seat.” They get to raise questions and
determine the speed of the process.
• The humbling nature of the gospel leads us to approach people without
superiority and with deep respect.
Challenge Point:
- Right now, who are the two or three people in your oikos who don?t know
Christ with whom you?re hoping to share your faith?
Matthew 5 v 14 – 16
Romans 12 v 2
Proverbs 1 v 10 – 15
Ephesians 4 v 17 – 5 v 21
John 15 v 19
John 17 v 14 – 18
As a church community we?re meant to demonstrate an alternate city with
kingdom values – very different values with regard to money, sex and
power to that of the world.
The Bible readings which you read today speak of how we should differ
from that of the world. Jesus speaks, in the book of John, how we are in
the world, but do not belong to it. Therefore, although we live in this world,
we should not be like the world and do what the world does. Instead we are
meant to be shining lights for Jesus in a dark world; lights that draw those
who live in the dark to Jesus, not only as individuals but as a church
community also.
Challenge Point:
- When you examine yourself, are you a shining light which reflects the
beauty of Christ? Do your non-Christian friends, colleagues, neighbours,
know exactly who and what you stand for by the way you live your life?
- We?re meant to be a city that is transformed. Is there any inconsistency
or hypocrisy in your life that you?re aware of that undermines the gospel?s
credibility in the sight of non-Christians?