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Sunday Isaiah 6 v 1 – 9 As we close on the subject of our words and the use of our tongue, could I take you to Isaiah 6 where we have, what I would consider to be a great starting point for our resolve, to use our words more profitably and to utter words that are thoughtful, timeous and truthful. It begins at the Altar of God! In Isaiah’s experience, as per the reading today, he found himself mesmerised in the Presence of a God whose Holiness was overwhelming. He fell to the floor and cried, “Woe is me, I am ruined. I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” At the point of him recognising his own uncleanness, an angel flew to the Altar of God and picked up a burning coal. Returning to Isaiah he placed the burning coal on the lips of the prophet. The angel then said to him that this coal had cleansed his lips and his guilt had been taken away. After the cleansing of his lips the voice of God thundered, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” only at this point was Isaiah confident enough, as a result of the cleansing power from the coal on his lips, to respond that he would be willing to go for God. This picture is so true for each one of us as well. The fact is true that without the cleansing of our lips, the legitimacy of our ministries will always be in question. Before we can be sent of God to fulfil the purpose of God we better learn of the need for the cleansing power of God over our mouths. As we are one week into our journey of a true fast, I trust that the foundation that we have built this week will stand firm for us, that we would learn to discipline our lips from negative, complaining, critical speech and replace it with words that are thoughtful, timeous and true. I am convinced that by developing a good habit of good speech that that alone would help to outweigh the incredible energy that would be needed to break the bad habit of negative, critical speech. I pray this week that you and I will be far more aware of what we say, when we say it and how we say it; that at the end of the week we will feel so much better and that God, as a result, will be glorified so much more. See You In Church !!