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Saturday Proverbs 12 v 19 – “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.” The emphasis on today’s positive speech is on the power of TRUTHFUL WORDS. We all know that the truth can sometimes be painful, but the truth, at the end of the day, is always good for us. Jesus, whilst on earth, spent much time dealing with the lies that the religious world had laid upon the people, everytime he said “…verily, verily…” (“…truly, truly…”) he was about to confront a theological lie. The words of Jesus, because they are true, have, as the passage above has indicated, stood the test of time. Two thousand odd years after He had spoken those words, we still continually make reference to them. The world has always been infected with lies. The reason that the world is in sucha mess today is because it believed the lie of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who said to Eve that if she were to eat the fruit she would become like God. Eve bought the lie and we are still paying the price for it. Samson lied about the source of his strength, but for him telling the truth got him into a lot of trouble. Aaron lied to Moses about the golden calf in Exodus 32and the children of Israel paid that price. God’s truth, when applied, has a remarkable way of revealing the lie. In Proverbs 10 v 20 it speaks of the tongue of the righteous being like choice silver. Silver is a metal of high value and the verse infers that truthful words spoken at the right time can add enormous value to the hearer’s life. When we use our words well and speak a truth in kindness to people around us, we are making an incredibly good investment in their lives. Won’t you make it your intention today to make such an investment into somebody’s life; it might be a family member that you need to appreciate. It might be a child that you need to tell them how proud you are of them. It might be a teenager who really needs to hear how well they’re doing. It might be an employee who may need to hear what a good job they’re doing. Every time you say these words truthfully, timeously and thoughtfully you make an invaluable investment into their lives. I am sure that there are many amongst us who would love to hear these words spoken to them, but sadly, chances are that they may not. If you have not heard the words of “well done”, “I’m proud of you”, “thank you”, or “I love you”, you may need to realise that even if you don’t hear them from another human being, you will certainly hear them from God. The Bible speaks so clearly of the truth of God’s love for you and commitment to you, and He wants you all to know today that he thinks you’re fabulous! Prayer Thought: As you pray today, won’t you reflect on a few of God’s truths and allow them to feed your soul and strengthen your spirit!