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Monday Matthew 9 v 13 Romans 5 v 8 This Christian faith is soutterly different than how every other religionworks that it doesn’t really deserve to be calleda ‘religion’. Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matt. 9:13). There are three ways to relate to God:religion, irreligion, and the gospel. Both religious and irreligiouspeople are avoiding God as Saviour and Lord. Both are seeking to keep controlof their own lives by looking to something besides God as their salvation.The religious only repent of sins. The irreligious don’t repent at all. Christians, through the gospel,however, repent of both their sins and of their self-righteousness. The differences between irreligion and the gospel are easy to spot. It isoften harder to discern the differences between religion and the gospel.Read through the following table which summarizes the differencesbetween religion and the gospel. Religion “I obey; therefore, I’m accepted.” Motivation is based on fear and insecurity. I obey God in order to get things from God. Gospel “I’m accepted; therefore, I obey.” Motivation is based on grateful joy. I obey God to get God—to delight in andresemble him. When circumstances in my life go When circumstances in my life go wrong, I amangry at God or myself, since wrong, I struggle,but I know all my I believe that anyonewho is good punishment fell on Jesus and that deserves a comfortable life. while God may allow this for my training, he willexercise his Fatherly love within my trial. When I am criticized, I am furious or When I am criticized, I struggle, but