1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian 7 - Blessed are the pure in heart | Page 8

but if you do not obey it, the voice diminishes in its intensity over the course of time to the point that for some, although they go through the religious ritual of church attendance, they cannot hear the voice anymore. Every time they hear God speak and ignore what He says, the callous on their hearts gets thicker and thicker. The above three heart conditions (we have two more to discuss tomorrow) are conditions that require our full attention. If it is true (and I believe it is) that God is more impressed with what goes on in our hearts than in our hands, today would be a really good day for you to examine your heart. The fact is that we can fool one another with the actions of our hands, but the truth is that we can never fool God; He knows full well the motives and intentions of our hearts and the greatest point in many people’s spiritual lives is when they come to the point where they have a heart-to-heart conversation with God. As with regard to the three heart conditions above, won’t you make that your prayer today. Prayer Thought: Understand full well, as you pray today, that there is nothing that we can hide from God. Won’t you open your heart to Him and allow Him into every corner. He will never force His way into an area he’s denied access to, but Oh! the blessing of an open heart to allow God, by His Holy Spirit, to do what only He can do. Friday Reading: Revelation 3 v 14 – 16 Yesterday we dealt with three heart conditions as they pertain to a spiritual heart. Today I would like to deal with two more. Yesterday we dealt with the hardened heart, the cold heart and the calloused heart. Today I would like to deal with the half-heart and the broken heart. The half-heart: if there is one thing God cannot stand it is half-hearted worship. A most emphatic passage which speaks into this is in Revelation 3 where God speaks to the church in Laodicea. He says He would that they would be either hot or cold, but as for half-hearted, He says He will spew them out of His mouth. That blatantly means that half-hearted service makes God sick. This has to be regarded as an incredibly insidious condition. I would hate to say that, in my opinion, much of what is done in the church today (in general) is done with this kind of heart. People seem