1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian 4 - Blessed are the meek | Page 9
the resultant Christian life, that it is barely separable from just being a nice
person. The beatitudes, people, are not about just being “nice people”. They are
about accepting the hard truths of the gospel; when it comes to the confession of
sin and the radical approach that we should have to everything from bad habits
and to bad attitudes.
As you read the Scripture from now on, won’t you fight strongly against the
tendency to make the teachings of Jesus less than what Jesus intended them to
be. Won’t you embrace these radical teachings rather than trying to find a way
around them and watch what happens in your own spiritual life as your
convictions deepen and your commitment to Christ strengthens.
Prayer Thought: In your praying today won’t you pray for a more courageous
approach to the radical teachings of Jesus. Commit yourself to taking these
teachings and making them mean what Jesus originally meant for them to mean. I
pray that God will strengthen you as you endeavour to do this way into the future.
Reading: Psalm 136
Evidence SIX: Meek people evidence the attitude of gratitude.
Meek people are continually grateful to God on the one hand, for all His grace
and His mercy; they are continually grateful to God for the privilege of being
children of God and they willingly accept all the responsibilities that go along
with that privilege. Meek people are also people who are not afraid to express
openly their gratitude to the people around them. They are very quick to thank
people for the little things that people do. They are quick to thank people for the
small gifts and services that people render on their behalf. This attitude of
gratitude is a profoundly beautiful one. People who evidence this attitude are a
delight to spend time with. Not only do they find the good in others, but they
also find every opportunity they can to show gratitude to others for that which
they do.
I was fortunate enough to see this evidenced in a conversation that I had with a
man while travelling on an aeroplane in the States. Because I like to talk to