1-1 Premeier Issue FINAL PROOF.pdf Mar. 2014 | Page 9
Engaged at 23, they were married in
22 day bicycle ride, pedaling 2,197 miles, or
the UNC Chapel Hill. That is when Ascary started
between 70 and 170 miles a day. At the end
to learn to read and write. Elizabeth continued to
of the journey, he would clear $25,000 and
Campbell Law school graduating with high marks
could begin his work.
and getting a job with a strong firm. They moved
Elizabeth’s father, Dr. Steve Kizer, a
to Greensboro for her work, and Ascary worked
physician at UNC Hospital, is fluent in Spanon his GED. Elizabeth sent him essay topics for
ish; he had learned it to communicate with
him to write daily for months.
his patients. Taking notice of what his son-in
Ascary says he finished his GED in 3
law and daughter were doing, he soon agreed
months, in half the usual time. He then started
to be director of the Vidas de Esperanza clinat Guildford Tech, got a 4.0 and transferred
ics Ascary would take to Mexico. Later, Siler
to the private Greensboro College. He was a
City, North Carolina after the chicken factowalk on for the soccer team and played for
ries closed and many thousands of people lost
three years. He graduated with majors in Sotheir jobs.
ciology and Spanish, and minors in Interna
For eight days, three times a year,
tional Studies and Art.
Ascary brings mobile clin
In his sophomore
ics to Mexico.
year of college, he and
Ascary Arias is President of “We’ll provide everything
his wife visited Mexico.
100% free,” Ascary emphaMany Mexicans who have
sized. It was clear that there
“made good” in the US
was something behind that
like to travel back, show
statement. Perhaps a carehow much they’ve accomplished, and build
fully thought through intention?
a house in Mexico.
Is Vidas de Esperanza associated with
“I wanted that too,” said Ascary. “I
any political or other organization? No Vidas de
was full of great ideas. Then I started noticing
Esperanza is not. Even more impressive, there is
how much hadn’t changed.”
no pre-existing congregation to help support him.
The reasons why he had left Mexico
“I don’t believe in praying for a child
were still there. “Though those things weren’t
who is hungry,” says Ascary. He takes action.
happening to us, they were happening to oth
For the community in Siler City, he’s
ers,” continued Ascary. “I realized I wanted to
collected toys for a hundred children; 200
do something about it, to start helping people.”
pairs of new tennis shoes; 200 new coats; food;
Back in the US, back at college, he
stuffed animals; medical supplies; first aid kits
started a non-profit for this work, Vidas de EsDental Hygiene Kits. They even held a big
peranza. Ascary was surprised at how many
Christmas Party and fed everyone who came.
people discouraged him, seeing, as they did,
The clinics in Siler City are held
that he was still in college and without aponce a month on the last Saturday in a buildpropriate experience. But with the help of his
ing space that was donated. To find out more
anthropology teacher, Dr. Cheryl Brown, and
about them, contact Vidas de Esperanza at
his wife, his non-profit was accepted as a 501
336-707-0255 or go to www.vidasnc.org.
c(3). Ascary was just thirty years old.
Remarkable? After talking with him,
How was he going to help others?
I was inspired. It restores my hope to hear
Ascary wanted to bring doctors to Mexico
of someone’s enterprise in helping others!
to run free medicalclinics for help people
There’s something very clear and focused
who can’t afford any medical care.
about Ascary, something exceptional about
Not to be confounded by a lack of
him; he has compassion and hasn’t forgotten
money, Ascary asked for people to sponsor a
those left behind. H
Vidas de Esperanza