“ We know in the upper Midwest we are a little behind the curve ,” she said . “ Our fashion in our stores isn ’ t way out there , [ but ] I think we have pushed the envelope a little bit ,” she said with a smile . JQ Clothing ’ s fashion-forward mindset often brings national trends to their stores well ahead of the Midwest curve .
There has also been a resurgence of vintage wear and upcycled clothing , with styles driven more by personal expression rather than strict fashion rules .
“ I think women are embracing their own style ,” Jessica said thoughtfully , “ getting away from cookie-cutter fashion . You can feel comfortable with wearing different prints together , or mixing colors . There is so much variety now , and you can express yourself through your clothing . But I am also from a modest small town , where you need to do that well and tactfully , and I think we give women the option to have a lot of expression in their clothing , but in a positive way .”
Jessica recognizes the body image challenges so many women struggle with , regardless of physique , and the pressures society places on women to look a certain way , or to be a certain size , and how critical women can be towards themselves .
“ As women , no matter our size , I think we always think the opposite of what we are . We think we ’ re too fat , or we ’ re too skinny , or we ’ re not tall enough . We always draw to the negative ,” Jessica said .
It is this negative mindset that Jessica and Mari love to counteract , by providing on-trend , individual advice , and beautiful , affordable clothing for a diverse range of sizes , ages , tastes , and styles .
One-on-one customer service is a hallmark of Mari ’ s store management , with her unique ability to connect with women , offering honest feedback , helping women find clothes they truly love and that will highlight and flatter their best features .
“ Mari loves it ,” Jessica said emphatically . “ She can make people feel so good in what they ’ re wearing , no matter their size …. She loves people , she loves to make them feel good ; she has this uncanny knack that I don ’ t have .”
“ Gals trust me ,” Mari said . “ I don ’ t have a problem saying , ‘ You know what , that doesn ’ t look good on you .’ I want to be truthful to them , and I want them to look beautiful and to feel good , whether it is [ finding ] the right color , or the right size …. I don ’ t think there are many shops like we have , where you can come in and get that one-on-one .”
But this passion for fashion is about a lot more than clothing . It is about creating community and strengthening bonds and lifting women up .
“[ It isn ’ t ] about the fashion ,” Mari said warmly , “ it [ is ] about making women feel good about themselves . When you feel good in what you ’ re wearing , you feel good .
That is my ultimate goal here at JQ : Making women feel comfortable , and feel beautiful about themselves .”
“ It isn ’ t about what everybody else thinks about you ,” Jessica asserted . “ It is about how you feel in the clothes that you wear .”
Stop in at JQ Clothing at 224 Main Street in Hill City , next to Elizabeth ’ s Coffee , or visit the online store at jqclothingco . com .
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