“[ It isn ’ t ] about the fashion , it [ is ] about making women feel good about themselves . When you feel good in what you ’ re wearing , you feel good .”
~ Mari Schmitz ~
On the Ranch pleather midi dress , $ 80 ; women ' s Panama hat , $ 40 .
“ My step-dad and I went to the auction and I ended up buying [ the building ], so I had to go home and tell my husband I had bought it !” she laughed .
But it didn ’ t stop there . With her Oakes location established , she turned her eye to Medora , ND .
“ I love that community , I ’ ve always loved it ,” she said , and explained how she and her family would often go out to western North Dakota to ride horses and enjoy the beautiful scenery .
“ I knew if a store ever came open there , I wanted it ,” Jessica said . In 2018 , she jumped on the chance to rent a shopfront in Medora , and since then has expanded into larger locations there , truly establishing herself in that community .
“ It is an amazing community , a lot like Hill City . The locals are amazing . We love the pre- and post- seasons , the shoulder seasons , because then we have time for each other , time to get to know each other , to do collaborative work on smaller-scale projects , to brainstorm what we can do better in our communities and how to bring more people in during the busy seasons . It is a fun , small-town vibe in all the little towns that I ’ m in . I just love Oakes , and Medora , and now Hill City , [ which ] are all similar in those aspects ,” she said .
Jessica had had her sights set on the Black Hills for at least five years , and she and Mari would talk about the possibility of opening yet another JQ Clothing location , with Mari as the manager . The opportunity presented itself in April 2024 , and Mari and her husband came to Hill City to look at the building that was available for rent .
“ We decided then that we were moving , and that we were going to sell our house ,” Mari explained , and JQ Clothing Co . opened on Main Street in Hill City the week before Memorial Day .
“ It has been a very positive move , a very positive event in our life ,” Mari said . “ I know it happened really fast , but I think it is what Hill City needed , and it has been great !.... The business owners in this community and the surrounding community have been amazing …. I have gotten to meet a lot of locals ,”
Mari continued , “ and they are loving the store . All ages are loving the store !”
From vintage florals to boho silhouettes , from tastefully-edgy rock-and-roll cowgirl to urban chic , from formal to more casual , JQ Clothing has it all . Western hats and ball caps , denim and lace , leather and turquoise … women of all ages will find something to suit their tastes and styles .
“ The age demographic is probably age 16 – 60 ,” Jessica said with a laugh , “ but you wouldn ’ t believe even the older-than-that ladies who shop in our stores , and can find stuff that fits them and that they feel good in !”
This is an intentional choice , Jessica explained , and one that has served JQ Clothing well in all three locations .
“ I never wanted to pigeonhole what I sell based on my likes or who I am , my age , my size demographic . Typically , when we go to market , there are three if not four people . Usually it is myself , my daughter who is 17 , Mari will go , and sometimes I take someone out of my businesses who is older than I am as well . So , we always take people of a different age demographic , a different size demographic , and a different style …. We always laugh , because I love my neutral colors : creams , whites , lace … . You generally know who bought what at market , because we have different styles , but it is so niceto have such a variety . A lot of times , [ customers ] don ’ t know what their style is ! Mari is great at pi king things for people and just having them try things on …. Having someone take that time with you , and give you some other options , get you outside your box , or just help you learn what you do like best or what fits best [ is really special .]” Over the last 10 years , Jessica has had a front-row seat to changing fashion trends .
10 September / Octobert 2024