0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 70

Patriot Rail & Ports PROUD PARTNER FOR MCCLELLAN PARK A leading operator of shortline and regional freight railroads, Patriot Rail & Ports is truly a multi-modal solution provider within the supply chain. With 12 shortline railroads across the US, Patriot also offers rail-related services such as railcar cleaning, commercial wastewater treatment, contract switching, storage, transloading, and much more. Patriot also operates six port terminals within the Southeastern United States providing customers a one-stop shop solution to handle their cargo. One of Patriot’s properties is the Sacramento Valley Railroad (SAV). Located in McClellan Park, the SAV provides switching and other rail-related services on seven miles of rail line. Interchanging with the BNSF and Union Pacific, the SAV also supports numerous transloading activities at the park. The railroad handles a multitude of commodities across several industries including aggregates, forest products, food products, metals, and petroleum products. Patriot Rail & Ports offers a unique service by partnering with the Economic Development group of McClellan to provide businesses industrial development options within the park. With over 2.4 million square feet of rail-served facilities, Patriot has the relationships and the financial support to customize solutions to maximize the efficiency of customer’s supply chains. Whether you want to build a new facility or expand on an existing site, Patriot can help facilitate the process from track construction, track expansion, track maintenance, developing and operating transload yards, to also providing the interchanges to the Class I railroads serving Sacramento. “The Northern California market provides a diverse array of supply chain opportunities and we take great pride in meeting and exceeding our customer’s expectations.” said Tom Naso, AVP Sales. “Our goal is to consistently provide safe and efficient transportation services that enable our customers to maintain a competitive position in their served markets. We are gratified to have the opportunity to provide the rail service for McClellan Park’s tenants.” Contact Patriot Rail & Ports today to learn more how they can assist in elevating your business at McClellan Park. “Our goal is to consistently provide safe and efficient transportation services that enable our customers to maintain a competitive position in their served markets.” — TOM NASO, AVP Patriot Rail & Ports Tom Naso - AVP of Sales C: 904.654.0147 [email protected] SPONSORED PROFILE PatriotRailandPorts.com