0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 11

September 2020 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD CO-CHAIR MEG ARNOLD Principal, GSD Consulting CO-CHAIR CHRISTI BLACK-DAVIS Executive Vice President, Edelman JAMES BECKWITH CEO, Five Star Bank LOOK AT WHAT’S Coming! STEPHEN BENDER CEO, Bender Insurance Solutions CAROL BURGER President, Burger Rehabilitation ROBERT BURRIS President and CEO, Solano EDC TIM CARMICHAEL State Agency Relations Manager, Sempra Energy MAC CLEMMENS CEO, Digital Deployment JEFF DERN President, PRIDE Industries JOHN FINEGAN Founder, Beck Ag STEVE FLEMING President and CEO, River City Bank BOB GUTIERREZ Interim President and CEO, San Joaquin Partnership JIM HARTLEY Principal Technologist, Jacobs OLEG KAGANOVICH Founder and CEO, Wyndow TOM KANDRIS CEO/Managing Director, PK1 Inc. DENTON KELLEY Managing Principal, LDK Capital LLC SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL SUPPLEMENT GUIDE PRODUCED BY AIA EXPERIENCE ARCHITECTURE 2019 EVENT GUIDE + AWARDS go to aiacv.org/exparch to register Coming in October AIA Experience Architecture 2020 Special Section BRIAN KING Chancellor, Los Rios Community College District JEFF KOEWLER Partner, Delfino Madden O’Malley Coyle & Koewler LLP MARTHA LOFGREN Partner, Brewer Lofgren LLP LEO M C FARLAND President and CEO, Greater Sacramento and Northern Nevada Volunteers of America TIM MURPHY CEO, Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange CURT ROCCA Managing Partner, DCA Partners Coming in November El Dorado Hills Special Section LOUIS STEWART Chief Innovation Officer, City of Sacramento DARRELL TEAT President and CEO, Safety Center Inc. SANJAY VARSHNEY Principal and founder, Goldenstone Wealth Management JOSHUA WOOD CEO, Region Business Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the individual opinions of the members of the editorial advisory board. COMSTOCKSMAG.COM FOLLOW US ON September 2020 | comstocksmag.com 11