0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 10

Volume 32 Number 9 PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER Winnie Comstock-Carlson, Ext. 101 [email protected] EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tom Couzens, Ext. 112 MANAGING EDITOR Sena Christian, Ext. 110 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Shoka, Ext. 104 ASSISTANT EDITOR Jennifer Fergesen, Ext. 113 SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Eva Roethler ART DIRECTOR Carly Cornejo [email protected] MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER Jason Balangue, Ext. 105 EDITORIAL DESIGNER Marissa Lewis, Ext. 108 VICE PRESIDENT & DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Clayton Blakley, Ext. 109 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF KEY ADVERTISING ACCOUNTS Valerie Reynoso Piotrowski, Ext. 102 [email protected] For more information about advertising, send an email to [email protected] In 2019, we built rain or shine. In 2020, you helped us keep building virtually. Keep Building a Virtual Women Build Event Thank you for supporting Women Build 2020 MARKETING SPECIALIST Guinnevere King, Ext. 111 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT [email protected] CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Tamara Duarte, Ext. 107 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jennifer Berry Junghans, Jessica Laskey, Laurie Lauletta-Boshart, Sheila Lamb Carroll, Suzanne Lucas, Russell Nichols, Jennifer von Geldern, Jeff Wilser, Lila Wallrich, Graham Womack, Steven Yoder CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Hector Amezcua, Debbie Cunningham, Wes Davis, Terence Duffy, Fred Greaves, Rahul Lal, Ryan Angel Meza PRINTING Commerce Printing Sacramento, Calif. commerceprinting.com Published by Comstock Publishing Inc. 2335 American River Dr., Suite 410 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 364-1000 comstocksmag.com Gratavid InterWest Insurance Services SAFE Credit Union West Elm Learn more and get involved in Women Build 2021 at HabitatGreaterSac.org/WomenBuild Comstock’s magazine covers commerce and community in the counties of Amador, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba, known as California’s Capital Region. Comstock’s is published monthly by Comstock Publishing Inc, 2335 American River Dr., Ste. 410, Sacramento, CA. 95825. Comstock’s Volume 32, No.9. A one year subscription to Comstock’s is $25 per year; a single copy is $4.95 plus postage, plus tax (if applicable). All rates are payable in U.S. funds. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts and artwork. ©2020 by Comstock Publishing Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. 10 comstocksmag.com | September 2020