0821_Jessup_Digital Edition | Page 9

Leading With Faith , Commitment and Vision


Leading With Faith , Commitment and Vision

Extensive education , experience , commitment and deep faith make Dr . John Jackson ideal as William Jessup University ’ s president . President since 2011 , Jackson is a guiding light for this Christ-centered university and the surrounding community .

Raised in Southern California in a pastor ’ s family , Jackson abandoned thoughts of a baseball career when pastoring called to him as a teen . In preparation , he earned a BA in religion , an MA in theology and a Ph . D . in educational administration and organizational studies .
Jackson has held many pastor positions , each contributing to his sense of making a difference in the community . As the Oxnard Chamber of Commerce ’ s first pastor member , he combined his faith with bettering his community , notably helping end Oxnard ’ s mandatory cross-town busing . He says , “ I ’ ve always wanted to lead churches that connected to the community and created positive change .”
As the youngest-ever denominational executive for American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest , which includes 270 churches , Jackson served on nine corporate boards . “ That greatly honed my leadership and financial skills , but I longed for the local church experience ,” he says . He then launched the thriving LifePoint Church in Nevada .
As William Jessup University ’ s president for the past 10 years , Jackson has spearheaded phenomenal program growth and community involvement . He says , “ I believe Christian faith impacts daily life . I support economic development because a healthy marketplace improves an entire community ’ s opportunities for growth .”
Under Jackson , Jessup has tripled in size . It is currently in the midst of rebranding and creating a new strategic plan and campus master plan for its main Rocklin campus , which will see the addition of some exciting commercial and educational opportunities .
Profile sponsored through the generosity of
“ I believe Christian faith impacts daily life . I support economic development because a healthy marketplace improves an entire community ’ s opportunities for growth .”
— Dr . John Jackson President , William Jessup University
The School of Nursing launches in 2022 , with the potential for a future School of Engineering and School of Law as well . Additional school sites are also planned for the East Bay and Elk Grove .
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