0222_FEB Digital Edition | Page 25

“ People will remember the good you have invested , and because you have found a way to have fun , build community , and contribute to causes you are passionate about , you will also build your connections , resources and your own reputation .”
posted to your social media channels . By sharing what you are doing , you are building opportunities for others to feel that warm glow of doing something good for others .
Here are three easy steps for building your own reputation and becoming an active participant in your city , county and state :
1 . Have fun
Whenever you donate time , make sure you invest it in something that you are passionate about . Find events and nonprofits that relate to something you find interesting or fun . If you already care about a nonprofit and the people or animals they serve , your experience will be more special and rewarding . And if you are having fun , it will show in your posts . People can tell when you are enjoying the work you do and the time you donate .
2 . Show the love
Consider creating marketing campaigns to include a “ show the love ” moment . If you are showing up for something and donating your time , make it fun for you and your team , and show that you care by inviting your friends and followers to do the same . It is a magical moment when you share that you are donating time , and your followers will want to join you . This is the moment that is rewarding for you and beneficial to the nonprofit . By sharing the experience , you encourage the outreach to continue building .
3 . Record it
Take photos of yourself donating your time and write about it in your business blog or an article on LinkedIn . This is the way leadership begins — you start and others will follow . When you talk about the good you are doing , you encourage others to join in and have fun with you .
People will remember the good you invested , and you will also build your connections , resources and your own reputation .
How to promote your good deeds :
One way to highlight your good deeds is to dedicate attention to it within your social media and content strategy . Breaking up your social media content into thirds can help ensure you have a place for all your various news and topics , including your company ’ s philanthropic efforts . One category , for example , could highlight your organization ’ s work ( web , video , graphics etc .), the second could include updates about your industry ( white papers that talk about new technology , data etc .) and third could be a more broad category : “ just because .” This is where you can talk about cool things happening in your area , events you want to help promote , nonprofits that are doing some special things for your community , and more . The last category is probably the most interesting for your followers — not only about business but really great things in which to get involved . We ’ ve found success in hosting a weekly video where we interview cool and interesting people in Sacramento and promote their good work .
Start building goodwill in 2022 .
Tina Reynolds opened Uptown Studios , a visual communications firm in Sacramento specializing in graphic design , website design , video production , social media and marketing , in 1992 . Online at tina @ uptownstudios . net and on Twitter @ UptownTina .

“ People will remember the good you have invested , and because you have found a way to have fun , build community , and contribute to causes you are passionate about , you will also build your connections , resources and your own reputation .”

Tina Reynolds , CEO , Uptown Studios
How do you show love to your community ?
February 2022 | comstocksmag . com 25