006 Czech 24 | Page 30


Bouřňák is 869-meter-high dominant of the surrounding area . It has a very cold climate - approximately 900 mm of precipitation falls here annually . The road leads to the top to mountain hotel built in 1930 . On the western side of the mountain there is a natural monument , 200-year-old beech alley . Nearby you can see an excellent technical monument , the Moldavian Mountain Railway .
Bouřňák is 869-meter-high dominant of the surrounding area . It has a very cold climate - approximately 900 mm of precipitation falls here annually . The road leads to the top to mountain hotel built in 1930 . On the western side of the mountain there is a natural monument , 200-year-old beech alley . Nearby you can see an excellent technical monument , the Moldavian Mountain Railway .
The water reservoir was created on the Flaje stream in 1963 . The dam is concrete , pillared ( that is , hollow inside ), the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic . The height is 58.5 m , the length at the crown is 459 m . The water area occupies 149 ha and the maximum depth reaches 57 m . It serves as a reservoir for drinking water and a flood protection for the area below the dam .
Vodní nádrž vznikla na Flájském potoce v roce 1963 . Přehradní hráz je betonová , pilířová ( tedy uvnitř dutá ), jediná svého druhu v České republice . Výška je 58,5 m , délka v koruně 459 m . Vodní plocha zaujímá 149 ha a maximální hloubka dosahuje 57 m . Kromě funkce nádrže na pitnou vodu Fláje zároveň slouží jako protipovodňová ochrana pro území pod hrází .