The module led me through a series of intensive academic lectures and extensive literature reviews, allowing me to immerse myself in a sea of scholarly discourse. This engagement was a departure from the hands-on approach I had been accustomed to, inviting me to re-examine the bedrock of HRM theories with a fresh and discerning perspective.
Reflective Log Entry: HR4S02 - HRM and Strategy in a Business Context
What is the Author Saying and Doing?
What the author is doing: They are establishing the background of their experience and how it ties to the CIPD standards, indicating the initial stage of reflection
Continued on next page
What the author is doing: Demonstrating reflective observation by showing how the module's content relates to their previous experience and the CIPD framework
What the author is doing: Identifying the concrete experience phase of Kolb's cycle, recounting the specific learning activities they participated in.