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length, strikingly similar to our own.  For carnivores, the length of their intestines are 3 times  their body length  due to the fast rate meat will decay. It is  quite apparent the stark differences between our physical makeup and a true carnivores’. If we were genuinely  meat-eaters,  we would  need to change our genetic makeup to fit the qualities  of carnivores.  In addition,  many  mammals such  as lions, tigers, and bears are  depicted as strong, powerful animals. Therefore,  the image of a carnivore is considered  fiercer than that of  herbivores.  However, millions of years of species  development  prove  that the strongest, most powerful animals are indeed herbivores. From gorillas to rhinoceroses to buffalo, they all  gather  strength from plants  and  are living proof  of the benefits of the  vegan diet. 

14 Days- One Life Changed Forever 

Our entire lives,  society  has persuaded us into eating animal products  by showing the

positive side. However, they failed to acknowled get  the  immediate and long-term

repercussions.  On the other hand, eating plant-based is cost-free, and  you will notice 

changes  both internally and physically.  Amy  Resnic  demonstrates the  miracles of diet

through her compelling transformation. 

Everybody thought  she  would die.  While on one of her regular visits,  her doctor  found

high levels of C-reactive protein within Amy’s blood, an indicator of extreme

inflammation.  Moreover,  they rated her on a scale of 1 to 3 for  risk of a  cardiovascular

event. Her result was  a whopping  10.82, implying she would have a heart attack within

several weeks.  Outside of her appointments,  Amy’s day-to-day life consisted of taking

medications morning and night. Some  aided her  stress, while others relaxed her  muscles.  When her condition  worsened,  Amy  frequently used her  CPAP machine,  a breathing mask that can amount to  $729She  constantly fell asleep throughout the  day  and lacked her usual  vigorWhen  they gave her  those numbers at the doctor’s office, the cold truth hit her. If she did not  change her lifestyle  soon,  she would not be there to support her family.  Miraculously, after  only  two weeks of  experimenting with a new diet and  dynamic  efforts to heal, Amy  was off the  medications  she once could not survive without.  Where she once took  800 milligrams of Motrin 3 times a day,  among other drugs,  diet change now  lifted those restrictions. Not only did she notice remarkable physical changes  such as being able to walk  and  breathe,  but  Amy  was exceptionally happier. In one interview, she  cried  while  realizing“My life has changed and in  only two weeks of whole plant-based diet… Everyone’s  gonna  do it in their own time.  But  thank God my time is now.”  As much as Amy’s  sudden change was considered a miracle, it came from  her desire and drive to fix herself. Finally, after years of  being confined by asthma medications, she was set free.