Losing myself for the sake of being attractive
Finally accepting my flaws
It was easier to love myself when
I restricted and counted calories
I realize what an awful life I would be living if
I chose to eat intuitively instead, for
Being malnourished is better than obesity
My body is meant to be loved, not hated
Each day, I wake up and am reminded that
Nothing you say can convince me
I am worthy of having a place on this planet
If I were beautiful, I would be happy
No longer can I convince myself
I am fortunate to be gifted with this body
When thoughts of doubts slip into my mind, I remember
Only when I am severely underweight
I am evolving into my best self
My hard work is paying off because I can see that
I could never forget the look in my loved ones’ eyes as they told me
I am beautiful and will always be
I will never be pretty in the eyes of society
No future me will believe
Internal happiness is something worth searching for
Losing weight remains my only priority
No longer will I say that
Shopping in the plus-sized section is a sin
I can live on, knowing that they are just words
If I am defined as “overweight”
I should starve myself until I am decent enough to be seen differently
It is only my irrational judgement convincing me that
Now read the poem from bottom to top.