Digital publication | Page 18

A sour taste 

Like how a penny smells

Sharp, metallic 

Bitters tears

Sting my cheeks

Why don’t they love me 

Will they ever love me 

I've tried so hard 

 I'm so tired 

Please just make it stop 

I need to rest  

To have quiet and escape  

Though I am too far for them to hear me.

I say goodbye to them,

Hot fire 

My lungs burn as I run 



Far Away

Anywhere but there 

The bottoms of my feet have become raw 

I am hurting 

But I feel free 

And I feel myself becoming one with the earth 

I sit

Finally, I can relax 

I did it

I escaped 

I left 

My feet no longer hurt 

Nor my chest 

My heart has been freed 

I am no longer in my old tired body 

I have bloomed 

I am beautiful 

I am whole 

I am loved 


By Laura W.