closet. He was researching not only the closet but also the unstable core of this world, which is made of heavy radioactive metals. This world is a reflection of the real world. Now it is in danger!”
Meanwhile, grandpa woke up to the sound of a cracking closet. He discovered that Jack Jr. was gone. He understood instantly that his grandson had gone into the closet. Grandpa took his old and rusty fire axe. Then he went upstairs, put his old and dusty pair of gloves on, and went after the boy. Grandpa got into the reflection.
“So, you came?!” Michael cried out.
Grandpa didn’t answer.
“Oh, you are approaching me?!” said Michael, picking up his axe.
“I cannot beat you without getting closer,” answered Jack.
“While I am wearing the hat, your little grandson is being erased from the universe. If he won’t wear a multi-universal item of clothing, he will disappear from this place!”
“ORA!!!” screamed Grandpa, and he pounced on Michael with his axe.
gloves on, and went after the boy. Grandpa got into the reflection.
“So, you came?!” Michael cried out.
Grandpa didn’t answer.
“Oh, you are approaching me?!” said Michael, picking up his axe.
“I cannot beat you without getting closer,” answered Jack.
“While I am wearing the hat, your little grandson is being erased from the universe. If he won’t wear a multi-universal item of clothing, he will disappear from this place!”
“ORA!!!” screamed Grandpa, and he pounced on Michael with his axe.