Digital publication | Page 131

“Jack Jr., you have to go to bed. You can sleep here tonight.”

“But, grandpa, I want more stories!”

“It’s already 11 p.m.”


Jack Jr. went to bed, but he couldn’t fall asleep for a really long time. His only thought was about the magical closet. He waited until everyone went to bed. Then he went upstairs; however, he only saw a dusty and mossy piece of furniture. The boy had doubts that this was the magical closet his grandfather had told him about. Jack Jr. walked into the closet, put the random hat on, but after two minutes of waiting, nothing changed. He came out of the closet because nothing seemed to happen to him.

All of a sudden, the boy felt sad, empty, and full of hate and senseless rage. Jack Jr. saw a man who was standing still in the middle of the room. The man started to scream, “YOU!!! It’s you, Jack! Finally! You left me here to rot in this place for 10 years. You will pay for it!”

“But Jack is my grandpa.”

The man threw a light bulb at Jack Jr., but he missed. The boy was very scared and surprised.

“Your grandpa hasn’t even told you the half of what happened. I’m Michael, a “friend” of your damn grandpa. This universe will collapse in 5 days.”

Michael grabbed Jack Jr.’s hat.

“I gave your grandpa this hat.”

After Michael’s words, he noticed that Jack Jr.’s finger disappeared.

“This is because of your stupid grandpa, who was travelling too much! He broke the balance string. My dad was a scientist in the Overworld. Together with a group of scientists, he created that closet. He was researching not only the closet but also the unstable core of this world, which is made of heavy radioactive metals. This world is a reflection of the real world. Now it is in danger!”