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The bachelor in Business of Tourism and Hospitality Management was present at the panel that took place Friday 4th August at 8: 30 a.m., at Daniel Lemaitre auditorium of the Chamber of Comerce of Cartagena.

During this space of reflexion, Ana María González, Interior Secretary of Cartagena, talked about the strategies: Purple Office and Fiery Lioness Operation against the human trafficking in the city. This reflexion, based on the article 3 of the Law 985 of 2005, let know the different ways on human trafficking, such as Prostitution of Others, servile marriage, force labour, etc.  

On the other hand, Cielo Blanco, Director of Cartagena de Indias Secretariat of Participation of Social Development explained the strategy: Heroic Woman 's House, that works for avoiding risk factors and offering information about economic solutions like sustainable entrepreneurship in order to promove the social insertion of victims. Then, the Executive Director of OMT, Natalia Bayona, sent a message related to the importance of continue working hard against sexual exploitation in Tourism sector in the city.   Bayona expressed that this scourge prevents the social and economic development of the city. For that reason, it is important that the public and private sector work together in order to make Tourism, an economic activity more and more human. She added that from UNWTO some agrements are been done with Vice - Minister of Tourism in order to extend the scolarship program: School Friends of Tourism and promote the culture of entrepreneurship in comunitary Tourism amonth other actions.

Finally, Ana María González, lead the panel Together against human trafficking, in which she talked to some survivors. They asked for more job and entrepreneurship oportunities. It is important to highligh that the bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management has a research group called Stop Escnna in Tourism Industry that aims to raise awareness in our students. This panel finished at 11: 45 a.m.

By: Tourism Today

Panel against human Trafficking

Academic Trek