Digital publication | Page 5


The day went on as they finished their classes and met up in between each time. Their last class rolled around and it was five minutes until their final bell. Katie and Brittany were texting back and forth since neither of their teachers seemed to care.

“I am so excited for tonight! I can hardly wait to get on the bus. Do you think there will be lots of people? Are there going to be those super bright lights?”

“Quit it Katie! You’re stressing me out. I have kept my cool this whole season, don’t make me lose it now.”

“Sorry Brit.”

Soon after, the bell rang and kids rushed out the doors and into the large hallways. Brittany and Katie found each other through the masses and rushed to the locker room to get ready and prepare themselves with all the other members of the team.

As they walked into the locker room, they could feel the intensity in the air. It made the hair on the back of their necks stand up on end. The two friends looked at each other then back at the group of girls. The group of girls looked up when Brittany and Katie entered the room and greeted them with hopeful smiles.

“What’s the plan Cap?” one of the girls spouted. Brittany was one of the captains of the team and the whole crowd looked up to her.

“Let’s go out with a bang because we’re almost there” is all that she responded with.

… sears past the goalie’s hands and right into the back of the net! The crowd cheered. They did it. She did it. Brittany’s teammates rushed to her and wrapped her up in the biggest hug. They were State Champions.

After they shook hands with the referees and the opposing team, they hustled to the sidelines where they could finally take off their sweat-filled gear. Everyone was laughing, crying, cheering all at the same time.

Brittany and Katie were the last to head to the stands. They always helped coach take care of gear and clean up. They started to make their way towards the stands. They looked up to see their parents standing next to each other, as they usually did, but this time there were two strangers. The two friends looked at each other