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Almost There

By Brianna Powe

She could hear the wind rushing past her ear. She could see the overwhelming crowds overlooking the field. She could taste the cool air; it made her throat freeze. She could feel the sweat dripping down her face. It was a win or lose situation and she wasn’t going to let anyone stand in her way, especially the goalie.

She backs away from the ball, takes a good look at the goal, the goalie, the ball, then back at the goal. She runs as hard, and yet as controlled as she can and kicks it. The crowd watched in awe as it...


Brittany jerked her head back to see her best friend running at her. “Katie!”

Katie and Brittany have been best friends since the third grade. They went to every soccer camp together, played on the same teams together. In fact, there wasn’t a lot that they didn’t do together.

They came from a small town called Richland. The Fall days were warm, but once the sun started its way down, it was time for a jacket... or four.

“Brit, it’s going to be our last ever game tonight.”

“Weird, huh. It seems like just yesterday we were little eight-year old's running like little headless chickens on a small U-10 field.”

Katie giggled at the thought of their past, “We have worked so hard for this day and it’s finally paying off. I just can’t believe it’s almost over...”

They were both quiet for a short time and continued to walk up the stairs to their classes. Katie had Madam Bouveck for French class and Brittany had Mr. Emery for math. “Way to put a damper on the day Katie,” Brittany joked to her friend while nudging her with an extended elbow. “I’ll see you after class!”