Digital publication | Page 30

The Gift

By Troy the Singer

The best Valentine’s gift I received was not purchased in a store,

No price tag could touch it for it was worth the world and more.

Not wrapped in festive paper or embellished with bows or string,

And I would protect it with my life for it was my everything.

The best Valentine’s gift I received did not come with ease,

Lies and pain resounded from the man I could not appease.

Promises of marriage, yet I was left alone,

But new found purpose and courage, I indeed was shown.

The best Valentine’s gift I received was a blessing from above,

A tiny package brimming with innocence, wonder, and love.

Swaddled in soft blankets to keep it safe and warm,

All my hopes and wishes in teeny human form.

The best Valentine’s gift I received came with sparkling eyes,

And a full head of copper curls, much to my surprise.

Giggles and coos that made my heart dance and twirl,

For the best Valentine’s gift I received is my darling little girl.

My Muse

By Troy the Singer

Oh, sweet Muse, how you anoint me with fervor.

Flowy tendrils of dark walnut curls caress your shoulders.

Voice like the gentle rumble of thunder, deep and rolling.

Eyes of polished slate dusted with remnants of crystalized quartz.

Arms which shield and protect yet embrace with tenderness and love.

Opulent lips, so soft and inviting, enticing me to succumb to their calling.

Able hands reflect arduous work, yet gentle enough to cradle a sleeping child.

Your demeanor mirrors the very stone which became your namesake.

My “supreme nurturer” which balances and anchors me in times of stress.

You, who brings me tranquility and wholeness.

My beloved inspiration.

My Jasper.