Digital publication | Page 29

Memory Lane

By Beth Robbins

She pulls into the driveway and steps out of her car, shutting the door gently behind her. She walks over to the stump that was once a strong, tall tree, and where she once came face to face with a giant raccoon. She shudders, remembering how scary the encounter was, and moves on.

She walks over to the bushes where she and her cousins once made a secret hideout. It has long since been overtaken after it was abandoned and the bush continued to grow. She smiles at the happy memory and heads to the back yard.

As she's coming out of the side yard to the back she sees the fenced off part of the back porch they used to use to climb onto the roof. She hoists herself up, noting how much easier it is now with her longer arms and legs.

She looks out on their backyard; at the shed where they used to always find praying mantis, at the big tree they'd climb one handed while eating rhubarb from the garden (no raccoon run-ins there), at the swing set now falling apart. She sighs and sits down on the rooftop, missing those fun and simple days.

Lands of My Ancestors

By Troy the Singer

Rolling hills and lush groves, dense forests and looming mountains which overlook flourishing valleys. Men in kilts compete in games of strength and endurance while lasses dance the Ghillie Callum to the tunes of bagpipes and drums. Oh, lands of my ancestors, how I long to roam your countryside and know myself. Let me sit by a fireside and listen to the legends and lore of my heritage, partaking in the hospitality and merriment of my clansmen as we celebrate the traditions of our forefathers. Grant me the honor to walk in the footsteps of those who have toiled, fought, and died for the freedom of their families and the many generations to follow.

Dominion of enchantment and Pagan mysticism, I yearn for thee! Tales of fairy folk, healers, and Celtic deities resound! Blessed Highlands, bestow your love and favor upon me.