Digital publication | Page 27

I still loved you

By K.L.

I want to explain what I mean

when I speak to you with kind words.

How you could disregard my smile

when I wished you a good day.

I remember that birthday where you weren’t there,

and I answered your calls the next day.

Kind words still spoken

even though I felt so so betrayed.

I couldn’t understand how you pushed me to this place,

without even saying a word.

A hate creeped in.

& differences pulled us apart.

I spoke to you with kind words, still.

and I want you to remember,

that I loved you, even when it hurt.

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

By Spencer M.

Her tongue still makes it past my lips sometimes.

Late at the darkest hours of night it severs my own so slowly

and it rules my mouth so lonely