Digital publication | Page 25

Blessed Be the Full Moon

By Troy the Singer

Mystical Luna, rising high in the night

So full and beautifully shining bright.

Silvery beams gleam on forests below

Glowing and glistening like winter’s snow.

A new world awakens with eager delight

As flora and fauna dance in your sight.

Night creatures hunt for wandering prey

As sleeping blooms open and faeries play.

Gathering sisters chant and sing

Honoring the sacred Goddess Selene.

Casting the Circle ‘round about

So good stays in and bad stays out.

Discard the old which holds you back

Making room for blessings you lack.

Go in peace when daylight breaks

Keeping close the friends you make.

Open the circle as was before

Until the moon shines full once more.

Beauty Defined

By Troy the Singer

Beauty isn’t how flawless your skin is or how slender you are.

Beauty isn’t a flat stomach, toned backside, or luxurious hair.

Beauty isn’t artificial, manicured nails or layers of makeup.

Beauty isn’t a bronzed Adonis or porcelain goddess.

Beauty isn’t measured physically by the decorations of a shell, but by the content of the soul.

Beauty is found in the true nature of the individual.

We are all at the mercy of time, and the physical fades away as the years pass by.

But it is what lies beneath that remains and shines through.

It matters not how pretty you may appear to be,

For if your heart is dark and motives selfish, you are ugly to me.