순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2020 Spring | Page 43

those few church leaders who kept God in the center and were working towards one goal during the early days of the EM. I can still remember Dan’s words: “Being a multicultural church is very difficult, but our church is doing its best and has done a great job so far. Thanks to the pastors and leaders of the KM who were very responsive to the needs of the EM, I believe that not only the EM but FKBC as a whole has matured and been fruitful. In order to be a church for families with various age groups and cultures, we must be able to understand each other’s weaknesses and discomfort, acknowledge that we cannot be perfect towards one another, but instead we must do our best to cooperate and work together. Although there may be hardship and discomfort, in the end it will all be worth it. We hope that not only the EM, but the KM will also be proud that FKBC is a multicultural church, and I hope that the newcomers who come to the EM will not only consider themselves as a member of Living Hope Raleigh but also as a member of the FKBC family.” 순종하는 사람이 되는 원리 순종의 중요성을 깨달을 때 더 잘 순종하게 됩니다. 순종은 힘들지만 축복을 가져온다는 것을 알 때 순종할 수 있습니다. 하나님과 지속적이고 친밀한 사랑의 교제가 있을 때 즐겁게 순종합니다. 기도하면 순종할 수 있는 힘을 얻게 됩니다. 고난을 통해 순종을 배울 수 있습니다. -강준민- www.fkbc.org 랄리제일한인침례교회 43