순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Summer | Page 11

for our first child, then our second just happens when we are not trying at all... when it hurts or is scary). Ezra, our 2nd, was to be born on May 20th, 2016. However, a few months into the pregnancy, we got a scare. Since Flora was over the age of 35 when she got pregnant, we need to have genetic screening. The screening revealed some protein markers for trisomy 13,  Babies with trisomy 13 often have a low birth- weight, even when born full-term. They have a small head, with a sloping forehead. Usually, there are major structural problems with the brain that are diagnosed shortly after birth. Ezra turned 3 today (May 25, 2019). He’s a bit small for his age, but he still has a big head, and he’s very smart (and naughty). He loves to eat candy, so much so that many of his teeth are rotted out... Please pray for our sons’ health, and their teeth! (Jedidiah 4, Ezra 3, and Lemuel 9 months... and almost 30 pounds!!!!). We never thought we would be parents, but God pro- vided in abundance... Now we worry about how we are going to feed them when they get older... Jedidiah already eats more than I do... Yikes. The doctor told us that termination (abortion) was an option. We told the doctor “no” without much hes- itation, but we were worried about the baby... Later ultrasounds were a bit reassuring, but the doctors told us that we could not be sure... Fast forward to May 25. After the painful labor, Ezra Inwoo Park was birthed into the world... He had a HUGE head, and he weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces!!! That’s a HUGE baby... so much for trisomy 13. Again, God tested us, and it was actually kind of fun- ny (but terrifying at the same time). Please remember that God is faithful. He may not provide what you want, when you want it, in the way you want... but He does provide what we need to ac- complish His purposes, and His plan is perfect (even www.fkbc.org 랄리제일한인침례교회 11