순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 36

간증 - 캄보디아 선교 을 목격했을 때 경외심을 느꼈습니다. 그들은 더 많은 마을에 가서 더 자주 방문할 것을 기대했습니다. 그들 은 이제 교회 회원들과 더 무겁고 더 큰 물건들을 운반하는 것이 쉬워질 것이라고 행복하게 언급했습니다. 그들의 흥분을 보면서 나는 전능하신 주님을 의심했던 내 모습을 생각했습니다. 예전에 유스전도사님이 해준 말씀이 캄보디아에 있는 동안 반복해서 머리속에 떠 올랐습니다. “당신이 바위 바닥에 부딪칠 때 하나님은 바닥에 있는 바위라는 것을 아십시오.” 하나님은 우리의 문제가 아무리 크든 작 든 상관없이 우리와 함께 계십니다. 캄보디아에서는 아직 해야 할 일이 많습니다. 저는 방문자로서 이곳의 사역위에 일하시는 하나님의 손길을 발견하게 되었습니다. 주님은 저를 겸손하게 하셨고, 눈부시게 아름다 운 모습으로 캄보디아에 임재하고 계시는 하나님을 증언하게 하셨습니다. Hello! My name is Joyce (오은경) Oh, and I wanted to share my experience during the short mission trip to Cambodia. I was able to meet Pastor Chanton and Sienglai SMN and the church members of various villages during this mission trip. Though the trip was short, I learned a lot and formed relationships with the members there. Each day of the mission trip was packed with activities. Our team was able to serve through events such as VBS in various villages, a youth program, soccer with the church, and village ministry. During this trip we were challenged to be flexible and help in any way possible. Every night our team came back tired but filled with memories and new connections with our brothers and sisters in Cambodia. I hope to continue to build these new relationships and be an encouragement for one another. Even though we may be half a world away with different customs and languages, in the end we all share the same Father in heaven. I want to emphasize a struggle as many of the church members face. Many of them are the only Christians in their family. I ask that you pray for them. Many of the youth expressed how it was difficult for them to come to church because their friends and families disapprove. The youth, whose culture repeatedly tells them to respect their parents, are stuck in a dilemma where they want to worship their Father in heaven, thus disobey, and at times lie to, their earthly fathers and mothers. I was heartbroken when one student opened up in our small group and midway her mother called her asking where she was. Despite this dif- ficulty, I want to highlight the steadfast hearts in even the youngest children. One of the days during the youth program we were going to take a day-long field day. The night before our team rode with one of the villages back to our inn. All of a sudden, we hear the village kids praying in unison. They were all earnestly asking God to allow their parents’ let them go to the field day. Our team witnessed their pure heart and their faith in God. It was an amazing moment where I realized that despite what others may tell them at home or school, the youths and kids choose to trust in God wholeheartedly. I also had the exciting opportunity to see God’s touch working in our lives. I am humbled by God’s ability to use us. I never imagined that we would be able to raise enough money to buy a truck for the Siem Reap 36 순례자의 샘터 www.soonsam.org