순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 34

간증 - 캄보디아 선교 mature spiritually. Many times, our team members were in awe of how much they truly love our God and will do whatever it takes for His message to be heard by the people in Siem Reap. Each week, they have a long meeting Saturday night to prepare for Sunday, where they go to service at 8:30 in the morning, then teach their classes. After the program finishes at their church, they don’t go home, but actually travel to villages to do ministry there and share the Gospel with children who often have never heard the name of Jesus. Combined, they spend from 8:30am to 4pm every Sunday worshipping God and spreading His Word. It was amazing to see and very encouraging for the team. There was a language barrier to be expected, which was tough because we couldn’t communicate with everyone exactly as we would have liked. But just simply spending time with them and doing ministry to- gether was enough to form a bond. I felt personally connected to these brothers and sisters halfway across the world and it was a blessing to get to know these wonderful people who are on fire for God. They were so friendly and I could tell that even through their tough living conditions, they were truly happy. Every night, we had meetings to discuss our day and share reflections from it. We flew in on a Friday night, but by Monday night’s meeting, I already knew that I wanted to come back next year. I was so happy to work with this ministry and my heart felt so incredibly full. The people in this ministry showed me what living in complete freedom looks like. They choose not to worry about anything but glorifying our great God. Cambodia is a nation cold to the Gospel and almost all people have hardened hearts against it. But even through the intense opposition the people in this ministry face, they are fearless in their mission to share the Good News with their people. One of the toughest things to hear was that even for some of the Sunday school teachers, they had fam- ily environments very opposed to this ministry. For the one of the members we met, her parents were so against going to church that she had to lie to them and secretly go worship God. But even through mothers and fathers that heavily disapprove of going to church, the leaders still show up and step up to fulfill their responsibilities every single week. I came to notice that here in America, we live so comfortably, and this results in us forgetting that we absolutely need God. We lose spiritual passion and start to rely on ourselves instead. The commitment of the ministry leaders was a huge inspiration for our team, and I pray that we will have that same passion. The 10 days the team was there felt incredibly short and I was actually really sad on the plane ride back because we had to leave the ministry so soon. But words cannot tell how encouraged I was by this min- istry and the special place it has in my heart. Before committing to go on this trip, I was really unsure if I was ready to go overseas on a mission trip. I was scared to meet totally different people and somehow do God’s work with them. But now after experiencing this mission, I am excited and motivated to glorify God always and remember his amazing blessings upon us. Thank you for supporting our team and it’s great to be home. 34 순례자의 샘터 www.soonsam.org