순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 27

our youth retreat program, and our team was in the van with youths from a village called Preysalaov, whom we were giving a ride to. The next day was supposed to be our youth activity day at the waterfall, but many of the youth were unsure if they were going or not. While we were riding the van, just resting before we could get to our hotel, we hear the youth talking all at once behind us. Confused, we look back and notice that they are all praying. After they prayed, we asked them why they were praying, and they answered that their parents did not want them to go to the waterfall because they did not like Christianity, so they prayed for God to touch their heart and to allow them to go on the trip. Our team was deeply touched, and we decided to pray altogether for God to do His will. This was really a beautiful moment, and reminded me of the verse in Matthews 18:3, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”. And the next day, God being the gracious God he is, all of the youth who were in the van was able to enjoy fellowship and there I acknowledged how powerful prayer is. My heart was full from witnessing these children having such a pure faith, and fully relying on God. From those who went to Cambodia in the past two years told our team that there will be many times when our plans don’t go as planned and that we had to be flexible. At first, I didn’t understand what that meant, but as our mission trip went on, I started to realize that it is not about accomplishing what we planned, but fulfilling what God had planned for us. Although I was reluctant and worried at first, by the end, I was blessed to have gone to Cambodia Mis- sion Trip. Many of our team members, including myself, agreed that a week was too short, and that we would’ve liked it if we were there longer. God truly touched my heart as I got to share the gospel with wonderful children and youth in Cambodia. www.fkbc.org 랄리제일한인침례교회 27