순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 26

간증 - 캄보디아 선교 이 정말 아름답다는 생각이 들었고, 마태복음 18:3의 구절이 떠올랐습니다. “진실로, 너희에게 이르노니 너 희가 돌이켜 어린 아이들과 같이 되지 아니하면 결단코 천국에 들어가지 못하리라.” 그리고 다음날, 승합차 에 있던 모든 청소년들이 예정됐던 친교행사에 참여해 즐거운 시간을 가질 수 있었습니다. 하나님은 정말 은혜로우신 하나님이셨습니다. 거기서 저는 기도가 얼마나 강력한지 깨달았습니다. 이 아이들의 그런 순수 한 믿음과 하나님에게 전적으로 의지하는 모습을 보고 가슴이 벅찼습니다. 지난 2년 동안 캄보디아로 선교를 갔던 지체들이 저희 팀에게 계획한 대로 되지 않을 때가 많을 것이고, 그 것에 유연하게 대처해야 한다고 말을 해줬었습니다. 처음에는 그것이 무엇을 의미하는지 이해가 되지 않았 습니다. 하지만 선교여행이 계속되면서, 선교여행은 우리가 계획한 것을 성취하는 것이 아니라 하나님이 우 리를 위해 계획한 것을 성취하는 것임을 것을 깨닫기 시작했습니다. 처음에는 망설이고 걱정도 많이 했지만, 마지막에는 캄보디아 선교 여행에 간 것이 축복이었음을 느꼈습니 다. 저를 포함한 대다수의 팀원들은 일주일이 너무 짧아서 더 오래 있었으면 좋았을 것 같다는데 모두 동의 했습니다. 캄보디아에서 만난 멋진 아이들과 청소년에게 복음을 나눔을 통해 하나님께서 진정으로 제 마음 을 감동시키셨던 선교여행이었습니다. Hello, my name is Nathan Cho and I am a rising junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill majoring in Business Administration. This summer, I had the amazing opportunity to serve the Siem Reap Ministry with fellow First Korean Baptist Church members, and I would love to share my testimony with you guys. To provide my background story, I have been raised in a Christian family with many pastors. Christianity was something that was part of my life that I couldn’t control. I felt as if my faith was my parents’, not mine. Throughout my youth, I would go to church and serve the youth ministry during the weekends, but on weekdays, I would live a life that did not reflect my faith. Many of my friends at school did not know that I was a Chrisitan. Going to church and serving the ministry felt like a duty to me that I couldn’t get out of, and I decided during my last year in high school that I would not follow God once I start attending college. I was planning on departing from God after my first mission trip to Mexico. However, while I was in Mexico, God truly revealed himself to me and I was able to experience His great love for me first- hand. After coming to college, God graciously provided me with First Korean Baptist Church where I have been able to build Godly relationships with my brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as building on my relationship with God. Fast forward to May of this year, I was struggling to find internships and jobs for this summer. I became anxious, doubted my abilities, and was starting to think that God had no plans for me anymore. When God opened up the opportunity for Cambodia Mission Trip, I was reluctant to take it because I wanted the internship more than going to Cambodia. However, after praying, I realized that God’s plan for me was not for me to have an internship, but to serve and be utilized for God’s Kingdom in Cambodia. One of the most memorable experiences actually came during the van ride back to our hotel. It was after 26 순례자의 샘터 www.soonsam.org