순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 11

was at work in everything. Much of the time, it was very that God is Faithful, even when I feel that He is not, or even difficult to see and feel Him working at the time I was serving when I am not as “spiritual” as certain church cultures tell me though. This is one of the reasons we need to AVOID putting I should be. emphasis on emotions or immediate results-based faith. In hindsight (not quite 20/20), I’ve seen many Korean Amer- ican Pastors sensationalize their faith journey. I’ve heard some of them say “you are not successful unless everyone in the room is crying by the end of this evening!” … I obviously did not agree with those Pastors, because I knew the Holy Spirit’s job is NOT to make us cry (although sometimes He stirs us in such a way that we do cry) or scream… the Spirit leads us in truth. Every LASTING work of God I’ve seen in ministry has been Word (Bible) centered, not emotions or works or topic centered. I’ve seen great emotion and works come from people who were being obedient to the Word, and which led to lasting Kingdom work. But I have never seen long term fruit (10 years +) result from a sensationalistic based faith. I do confess. There have been seasons where I have felt dry, where it’s been very hard to pray, and there have been times where I’ve been disappointed with God. Lately, there have been times where feel like I just need to quit or take a very long break… however, I’m always reminded that all Chris- tians go through ups and downs, and it’s during those times that I’m driven back to the Word of God. As I read and reflect on God’s Word, the reason for the dry seasons and ups and downs become a bit more lucid, and the conclusion is always www.fkbc.org 랄리제일한인침례교회 11