순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 46

간증 - 영어캠프 그러나 주께서 더 크고 좋은 것을 예비하셨다. 주님은 나 자신보다 더 큰 것을 보도록 도전을 주셨다. 주님은 자기 백성들을 향한 사랑의 마음과 복음 전파의 긴급성과 절박함을 나타내시되 한국 사람들에게까지 나타 내 보이셨다. 주님과 동행하면서 내가 기도하기는 모두가 주님을 믿는 마음을 갖기를 바란다. 그래서 주께서 나를 보내실 그 어느 곳 그 어떠한 환경에서도 신실하게 주님을 섬기는 자가 되기를 소원한다. Korea missions 2019 is a trip I will never forget. So many tears shed; so many unforeseeable changes and challenges. Yet, even in the midst of seeming chaos, God provided. He made a way for all things to work out according to His plan. God revealed so much of his character and also the fickleness of my heart. The most difficult wave of challenges resulted from the camps in Daejun. From April - July, our team planned for the camps, but when we arrived in Daejun, everything changed. Everything was changing every hour of the day. For example, on the first day of our elementary english immersion camp, we antic- ipated 80 students, but the final head count was around 350 students. We didn’t have time to process; we just had to constantly be on our toes, ready to anticipate the next change. In the moment, I couldn’t help but question why we came to Korea. I couldn’t see how God was using all things for good (Romans 8:28). However, towards the tail end of our time in Daejun, I learned so much about myself and the character of God. One truth that impacted me deeply was the essence of trusting God. Like I mentioned before, our team spent many months preparing for the english immersion camps. How- ever, I came to the realization that it didn’t matter how much effort we poured into our planning process. It didn’t matter that we thought we did a great job because ultimately, everything did NOT work out the way we had prepared. This was initially very discouraging, but it ended up being an unexpected blessing. My whole life, I have sailed through life thinking I was trusting God when in actuality, I was placing God in a compartment in my heart. I was a consumerist Christian. I only sought to gain from Him rather than to give my life to Him. I always sought to be comfortable and only placed my trust in Him when my life lacked hardships. This trip forced me to see that I was not living for Christ, but I was living for the illusion of Christ. Christ has called me to live faithfully, which not only means to talk as He does, but it also re- quires me to walk the same path. This path that we as Christians are called to walk on is a narrow one; a walk that requires faith, and not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). And sometimes, trusting in God requires us to let go of what we think is best and what we have planned for our own lives. Trusting God requires us to be obedient despite hardships and challenges that come our way. Trusting God is acknowledging that His plans are better than our own. Though I’ve walked with the Lord for many years, I still feel that I have a baby faith. This trip revealed the fickleness of my heart and how I am still learning to give up my life to Him, piece by piece. Though our plans didn’t pan out how we envisioned, the Lord had something even greater in store. He challenged me to see that this life is bigger than myself. He revealed His heart for His people and a desperate urgency to share the gospel message, even to a nation like South Korea. As I continue to walk with the Lord, I pray for a heart that trusts in Him so that I may go where He sends and serve faithfully in all circumstances. 46 순례자의 샘터 www.soonsam.org