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www . valve-world-asia . com ISSN : 1574-3284
14 封面故事 Cover Story 新地佩尔 : 满足特定需求 , 屡创以国代进新突破 Dipper Valve : Making new breakthroughs
定位 “ 特种与高精尖 ”, 新地佩尔注重核心技术研发和创新 , 屡屡打破国外技术壁垒与传统痛 点 , 在定制化能力 , 性能表现 , 用户体验以及市场占有率等多个维度取得开拓性优势 。 近年来 , 公司持续加强人才储备 , 加大对智能仓储物流 , 智能组装线和大型流量实验装置等关键领域的投 入 , 稳步迈进行业前沿 。 Positioned as " special and sophisticated ", Dipper Valve focuses on core technology R & D and innovation , repeatedly breaks foreign technical barriers and application pain points , and achieves pioneering advantages in multiple dimensions such as customization ability , performance , user experience and market share . In recent years , the company has continued to strengthen the talent reserve , increase investment in key areas such as intelligent warehousing logistics , intelligent assembly lines and large flow experimental devices , and steadily move into the forefront of the industry .
18 人物专访 Human Interest 以稳定性为核心 , 为客户创造卓越价值 Stability : the key to creating value for customers 访阀毕威阀门有限公司总经理方理业 Interview with Lee Fang , General Manager of FBV INC .
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《阀门世界亚洲》是隶属于 Technical Business Publications II BV 公司的商标 。 负责人 : Thijs Elshof , 地址 : PO Box 67 , 6680 AB , Lingewaard ( 荷兰 ) 。
20 人物专访 Human Interest 访罗托克集团化工 、 过程及工业部门及亚太事业部董事总经理满欣 Interview with Man Xin , Managing Director Chemical , Process & Industrial ( CPI ) & Asia Pacific , Rotork
22 市场报告 Market Report 阀门技术创新促进绿色发电产业 Valve innovations drive clean power generation
本文将介绍阀门技术正在如何顺应可再生能源发电行业的进步 , 并以氢气 、 太阳能 、 风能和地热 能为重点 , 推动该行业的不断发展 。 This article explores how valve technology is adapting to and driving advancements in renewable power generation , with a focus on hydrogen , solar , wind and geothermal energy sectors .
《阀门世界亚洲》 2024 年 12 月刊 3