環境に優しく低コストで有益な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Low Cost, Eco Friendly Water Tech.. 環境に優しい低コストで高性能な、知られていない水のテクノロジー/ Low Cost Water.. | Page 6


• How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts


• Technology claims are explained in details in each of 66 dedicated section

in coming pages . Example of “ Hydrodynamic cavitation ” below

■ Tech effects Code used in tech lists ( located at end of this presentation ) are headed by Boldface purple letters as on the right . Code might refer to either or both of a-effect of static water product , b-process effect itself on water rather than water ' s effect on matter .

■ Commercialized tech claims are listed in ( Blue Letter +), and “+” within bracket means other unnamed companies also claim same effect .

■ “*” at example D4 * indicates particularly effective application .

• ■ 11 ’ Hydrodynamic cavitation : WM Accepted effect : J ( BOD reduction , Advanced Oxidizing Process , toxin / oil field waste water / sludge decomposing ) ( WhirlWind . nl +), For ballast water ( Globallast ua +), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement ( Arisdyne +),

• Sometimes WM Disputed effect , A ( Descaling ), HVAC application ( HyCator , VRTX Technologies +), Pipe cleaning ( Group Konstanta « МАНГУСТ »+), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM rejected ( TEKMASH +): B ( anticorrosion of water pipes ), C ( Algae removal )( CT Systems ua +), D4 *( New ….