7‘UV UltraViolet ray: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed,
Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
• ■ 7‘UV, widely deployed effect, Not always same effect as 6‘Ozone tech
due to some UV types incorporate various reactive species
generation(H 2 O 2 etc leading to Hydroxyl Radical production: strongest
"nonchemical" type oxidizer) for disruptive level effect(WM media
sometimes unapproved).
• Also as effect itself one fundamental difference is UV simply disinfects, but
Ozone has oxidation capability, while UV exposure of Ozone generates
amplified disinfection ability with Hydroxyl generation. But especially on
effective versions, exact detail on i-catalyst/electro chemical process, ii-
what reactants are co-produced, or iii-what chemical interaction & types
of oxidizing takes place in their reactions seem to be both secret &
unclearly identified at the same time. Even cost for non-AOP/regular
type UV is increasingly becoming lower cost than chemical system overall
by various tech advancement & environmental regulation: