6‘Ozone: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected
by Western Mainstream(WM)
• ■ 6‘Ozone: Part of std process in early stage water disinfection, but rare to
replace chlorine as final stage drinking water treatment before circulation
mainly due to regulations(Xylem Wedeco+). Despite some WM claims of
opposite, cost can be already lower than chemical tech in majority of cases.
• Also when not isolate Ozone only effect, other byproduct radicals co-
produced & its synergy seem to magnify effect(can be 2-20 fold more
effective with likely by Hydroxyl generation[OH•]): there are many other ways
than UV to produce: ■ Electrolytic Ozone Generation(Biotek-Ozone), ■ Spiral
vortex water ozone generator (Ailove.co.jp+), ■ Platinum based coating(with
Ir, Ru or Rh) of Titanium electrode (Tanaka Kikinzoku+) etc, ■ Concentrated -
supersaturated ozone dissolved in water by bubble size & pressure control etc
(BlueInGreen, AirTree Ozone+). ■ Plasma/Corona discharge in water(Ebara
EJK jp, Ozomax inc+): often in pulse mode, ■ Emphasis on duel insitu
sterilization by two choices with H 2 O 2 (Teknomar+), also see 19’Diamond
Electrolysis, ■ Catalyst based Ozone(Ozontech Systems AB+): some effective
ones seem to be ozone water exposed to corona/plasma discharge,
■ Ceramic based Ozone & likely other reactants co-producing(Medklinn+) 、
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada