5’Natural Acid: continued 3
• ii--Peracetic Acid(C 2 H 4 O 3 )(PAA, Peroxyacetic acid): Full std process in many industrial
applications with very large volume used, but significant regional/industrial segment
acceptance gap with particularly low level in consumer use or water treatment related
application. Might require modification in flow system installation due to high metal
corrosivity. Basically a mix of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. More maintained oxidation
ability with organic matter mix, also effective at lower temperature operation. Even now
occasional cleantech debunking occurs & described as "harmful residual chemical" by a
small part of mainstream or cleantech promotor by lumping together with other chemicals
that are toxic. Some large commodity Hydrogen Peroxide(H 2 O 2 ) producers actively
participate for specific end use.
• WM Accepted effect: Many offer cross-over effects: A(Descaling), useable for heavy scale
depositing situation(Evonik DEGACLEAN+), C*(algae-germ killing),(Vetoquinol
HYPEROX+), D(general cleaning, disinfectant)(Химитек +), F(Laundry detergent as water)
(Belinka Perkemija PERSAN+)
• J(cleaning wastewater)(USP Technologies, Solvay Chemicals+): low initial infra cost and
simple operation advantage, Strong enough to have effective results on oil field fracking
water (PeroxyChem VigorOx, Ecolab NALCO Champion+), 85-100% water recycling as a
module system(Organo jp, ⽔水ing リンサー排⽔水回収システム ARRoWS® +), additionally
even hot water heat is recovered for use(Kurita), L(drinking water generation), usually for
domestic stock/animal(Agraplan Peraclean, Tevan Panox+), -->>cont: